
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Simple Saturday

Hello friends! I am feeling amazing on this Saturday morning! I had a very low key Friday night. I stayed home and got caught up on some school work and read some of Picking Cotton (That's the book I'm reading now and its amazing. I'm sure I will post on it when I finish) I got to bed pretty early which is crazy for a Friday night. Now don't get me wrong I LOVE going out with my friends on a Friday after a long hard week of class but sometimes it feels nice to wake up early on Saturday feeling refreshed and energized!  I am now ready to take on the rest of the day which mainly involves my sororities Initiation ceremony. I am so excited all of our little babies and my grand little will finally be official ZTA's!

flowers for the grand little

I hope yall have a wonderful Saturday!

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Sweet Thoughts(: