
Friday, April 1, 2011

And I'm Off!

Yep Friends, It is a fabulous Friday and I am off for a fun filled weekend! I went to my single class for the day and am now about to meet the girls, stuff the trunk with sundresses and straw hats, plug in the ipod and hit the road! We're stopping midway to pick up 'the boy' and then Columbia SC here we come! We are planning on having dinner and drinks when we arrive and then see where the night takes us. It will then be an early morning as we pop our first bottle of champagne at 9am on the charter bus taking us from Columbia to Camden where Carolina Cup is held. From there it will be a full day of festivities and seeing where the night takes us again! One thing I remember from last year that I hope we can repeat is a visit to a fabulous Mexican restaurant. I don't know if it was the food or the seven hours worth of cocktails that made it so fabulous but it's defiantly something I want to repeat! I'm getting giddy just thinking about how much fun this weekend will be. I will defiantly share pictures when I return! and happy April Fools Day!!


Sweet Thoughts(: