
Friday, April 29, 2011


I hope you are all in as great of a mood as I am! OF COURSE I watched the Royal Wedding this morning as I'm sure most of you did. How amazing? Kate looked simple but stunning and the entire ceremony was breathtaking. I expected nothing less. I guess I should have known but I had no idea the normal "you may kiss the bride" would not be happening! The balcony kiss made up for it. I am in awe/amazement of the entire thing. Ohh to be a princess. After the viewing of the wedding I had an 8am exam that I hopefully aced (fingers crossed) then headed straight off to the beach to spend a weekend with the boy! I think my amazing mood is due to the fact that I just spent the last two hours laying out on the beach with PERFECT weather.  I forgot how relaxing that was! Now we have showered and are about to head out for dinner and shopping. I hope you all have a wonderful Friday night.. I can't wait to tell you about what I have planned for tomorrow!!

1 comment:

  1. We had perfect weather here today too! I even got to go to a May Day celebration at the little boy I babysit's school. They had a Maypole, singing, and picnic, it was great! Have a wonderful weekend!


Sweet Thoughts(: