
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I wanna put on my my my my boogie shoes

There is one thing this girl always loves to do on a night out on the town... dance! There is nothing more fun than hitting the dance floor with the girls. One dance in the Carolina's dominates the rest however. That dance is shag dancing! It is a personal favorite of mine, who wouldn't love it with music such as "I love beach music and Summertime's a calling me." Basically anything by The Chairman of the Board, The Embers and The Temptations makes for a good shag song!

I especially love this melody by The Embers that touches on all of the best beach music songs! It makes me ready for summer right now!

I am particularly excited right now for two reasons. The boy has yet to learn the dance even though his grandparents are in the shagging hall of fame! He has however finally agreed to take some shagging lessons and I can't wait until the first time we can go out and try out some moves!! The second reason I am excited is because The Chairman of the Board is playing here this weekend and I have made plans with some girls and my mom who is coming into town to go dance the night away! Even though I love shagging I also love putting on my cowgirl boots and doing Copperhead road! What type of dance do you love?

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I'm new to your blog...and 1-it's absolutely precious...2-we are pretty much the SAME person...and 3-When did Chairmen of the Board come to play????? I've been dying to see how people liked their concerts w/out General Johnson with them. :( Please let me know your thoughts...hope yall had fun!


Sweet Thoughts(: