
Monday, April 18, 2011

Take Me Here

The 6:45am alarm clock was tough to say the least this morning! After two diet cokes and some pinterest browsing I think I am awake and ready for the day. I am very excited about this day because it is the start of the last full week of classes before exams! Luckily I do not think my exam schedule will be tough this year so if I can just make it through this week I can move on to other lovely things! After exams this is what I want more than anything:

Please take me here.
I will read a hundred books and take a thousand naps


  1. Ahhhhhhh!!! This place looks perfect right a/b now.

  2. ahhh, i could use that! it's crunch time for me, we have two and a half more weeks of classes and then finals...and in between then and now i have tons of projects, papers, and tests! shew, at least it will be over soon!


Sweet Thoughts(: