
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wednesday Whatnots

I don't know about you but in my neck of the woods the weather is crazy! Pouring down rain one second and sunny the next. Rain or shine though I have a fun night planned! A little random but we are having a all girls Guacamole and Strawberry Daiquiri night! Yay! Two of my favorite things, I can't wait. Everyone needs a girls night occasionally, although I think I need one more than occasionally. Every week possibly? haha, they keep me sane!

I finally found my camera cord so I can share pictures from Easter Weekend! Saturday night was the concert and we had a pre Bob Seger Party that turned out to be a lot of fun!


Paula Dean's Squash Boats

8 Layer Salad


Have a great day!


  1. What a fun weekend!

    I'm loving all your outfits! Too cute :)

  2. Looove your white lace top! That food looks ah-mazing, and you looked gorgeous! Glad it was a fun Easter! :) Virginia

  3. All that food looks so great! Sounds like you had a great Easter weekend! Have a great day tomorrow :)

  4. I love your white top! Looks like a fun weekend!


Sweet Thoughts(: