
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Better Late Than Never

It has only been a few days but I feel so out of touch with the blogging world! I apologize for the lack of posting, I have been extremely busy and out of Internet connection. I'll give you a run down to catch up. I spent the weekend in Alabama to attend my grandmothers funeral. It was a very sad time but it was a joy to see all of my family! We spent one evening grilling out and kayaking which was a trip but so fun! I personally didn't partake and instead watched and laughed at people falling in, ha! My family and I drove through Shoal Creek- one of the valleys destroyed by the past tornado. The damage was devastating. It makes me appreciate what I have much more. This entire valley was destroyed. About half of the houses are completely gone and the rest have significant damage. There were lives lost and the town is having to start all over. I am praying for these families and hope you will too. They need it now more than ever! I arrived back home late Sunday night to get ready for something called Senior Conference. This is basically a three day (Monday-Wednesday) event where myself and a group of twelve other education majors speak with local school board members, school personnel and central office staff. It is supposed to give us a look at how the school runs "behind the scenes". Although I would rather be doing something fun it has been very educational! Despite the early morning wake up I did still manage to go to a friends birthday party for a little while and it was so nice to see old friends from home!


I have one more day of the conference and will then be heading to see Justin at the beach. It's no fair he lives there! I can't wait to spend a week relaxing on the beach, catching up on my blogging and reading my new books! I am hoping to get a little shopping in, a date night (maybe I can convince him to take me to see Something Borrowed) and maybe a pedicure! I am feeling a little spoiled right now because after a week at the beach I will be heading to the lake for memorial weekend. A little over a week and a half of sun and water? yes please! I can't wait to catch up with everyone! Thanks for all the kind words about my loss, it means so much!

1 comment:

  1. Can I come with you?? Your time on the water sounds PERFECT!! And I didn't know you were a future teacher too!


Sweet Thoughts(: