
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cinco De Mayo

One of my favorite days of the year. Probably because it means I have an excuse to celebrate, drink margaritas and eat Mexican. Yum! The fact that I am done with exams as of 11am makes this day that much better. I am planning on going to a festive Mexican restaurant for drinks and dinner with some friends. Afterwards we may head downtown to do a little celebrating the end of exams. I have a feeling it will be a very fun night. Happy Cinco De Mayo! What are your plans? Are you like me and use any excuse to celebrate?


  1. Last day of college ever tomorrow, so I will be stuck studying for my final two tests ever! Unfortunately, this does not involve margaritas or queso :(

  2. Have a margarita (or THREE) for me!! I have an exam tomorrow so I will not be celebrating :(


Sweet Thoughts(: