
Friday, May 20, 2011

Good TIme

Happy Friday everyone! I'll go ahead and get this out of the way.. SCOTTY MADE IT! Yes! Scotty made it to the finals along with Lauren. I was one happy girl! Justin and I decided to do a little outdoor shopping and have a nice dinner instead of going to the movies tonight which was a okay with me. I had by far the best shrimp and grits I have ever had. They were extraordinary- Garlic cheddar cheese grits with fresh shrimp, ham, and tomato. Yum! I especially loved the fact that I got this little beauty. Mine is in a coral color though. Getting this dress and it being Friday made me think of why Fridays are fabulous. (we all know they are for a million reasons, #1 No work or school of course!) I always love Fridays however because I finally have a reason to let my hair down,  slip on my party dress and hit the town with whatever event might be going on. I don't know about you but I would wear dresses every day if I could. They are fashionable, take little effort and are just more comfortrable than jeans! I would love to add this to the collection!

If I can't find an outfit I always resort to a black dress and cowgirl boots. Other than getting to dress up I love Friday's because the radio always plays such fun music! I listen to music all the time- it has the ability to make the happiest girl in the world. One of my favorites to here on a Friday night is Alan Jackson's Good Time. 

Shot of Tequila, beer on tap
Sweet southern woman set on my lap
G with an O, O with a D
T with an I and an M and an E
And a good time
Shhheww, good time
I’ve been workin’ all week
And I’m tired and I don’t wanna sleep
I wanna have fun
It’s time for a good time

I hope this post has made you want to go put on a party dress and dance! ha, Have a great Friday Yall!

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Sweet Thoughts(: