
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thursday Ramblings

Isn't that so true? President Lincoln was awfully wise!

So did yall see the American Idol finale last night? Congratulations Scotty! I knew he was going to win, I'm so glad! I just love him!! It was an awesome show full of so many amazing performances. Is it just me or was Carrie Underwood looking more gorgeous than ever?! I'm sad the season is over, I was enjoying rooting on Scotty every week! My friend and I may have been slightly obsessed voting the maximum of 50 times each week. Haha, don't judge! Well this is the last day at the beach for me.. Justin and I are about to head to the Lake! I'm excited for the change of pace and can't wait to see my parents. My mom's birthday is today (Happy Birthday Mom!) and we are going to celebrate this weekend! One of my favorite memories growing up at the lake is playing the game of croquet. 

This game is simple and fun but not played too often anymore. You may remember it from Alice in Wonderland. The game is simple: you use your mallet to hit the ball through hoops embedded in the grass. Easy enough right?! I can't wait to get down and play. Some other fun outdoor games I'm sure you are all familiar with include cornhole and ladder ball. Games like these are perfect for all ages and all outdoor occasions. I can't wait to play with the family this weekend! Have a great Thursday!


  1. Croquet is so cute--we set it up in our yard when we have family parties! I also love that Lincoln quote!

  2. oh my gosh! I grew up playing croquet with the fam every summer holiday. that and watermelon seed spitting contests are staples of my youth haha.
    this post makes me want to dig out the old croquet mallets and set up for memorial day! enjoy the holiday!!


Sweet Thoughts(: