
Friday, June 17, 2011

Finally Friday

It's finally Friday yall! I  finished Georgia Bottoms by Mark Childress that I blogged about here. The book was just as fantastic as I expected it to be! Georgia was a hilarious southern baptist who somehow always seemed to find herself in trouble. Being the respectable lady she is, no one knew about any of her secrets. You would be surprised to see what all this lady will do to keep up her reputation. This was a fun, light read.. if you are looking for a good laugh this I recommend this book!

Yesterday Justin's mom and I set off to do a little shopping. Justin just landed this new job and really needed to update his professional clothing collection. He has done pretty well stocking up on the handsome men's wear! I on the other hand have to brag about my purchases! I went to a local discount clothing store with very low expectations. To my surprise I found THREE gorgeous dresses that were dirt cheap! The two black ones were only $8 a piece-- I seriously can't hardly buy underwear for cheaper than that. Both could be worn to so many formal occasions. The third dress (the lighter colored one) is my favorite, this picture does not do it justice! I got this gem for $16!

I'm pretty sure I hit the jackpot! Three gorgeous dresses for a grand total of $32! You could never beat this! I actually wore the black dress on the right to a formal once. I borrowed it from a sorority sister of mine and it was a dark red color. I loved it then but think I like the black even better! Here is a picture of that one.. (and also the boy so you can all see him before his first meeting at the new job!)


  1. Love, Love love the dresses, and for such a steal!

  2. Wow--$8 and $16 for those gorgeous dresses!!! I'm jealous!

  3. Pretty, pretty dresses!! I love when I find cute things for CHEAP, it makes me so happy! And thanks for the book recommendation :)

  4. Amazing! I can never seem to find simple, formal dresses for dances, etc... And for so cheap! I'll def have to check out local discount stores!


Sweet Thoughts(: