
Monday, July 18, 2011

It's Monday But It's Okay!

I hope yall had a fabulous weekend! Mine was very good, but very tiring at the same time. On Friday I had to depart to Elon University for a weekend Teaching Fellow senior conference. The conference was very inspirational and I learned tons of tips in workshops that will help me in my classroom. The early mornings however were not well received and this girls is pooped. I picked up two things at the conference that I want to share with everyone! One of the workshops I went to was on stress relief and to my surprise it was a full two hour yoga session! I have never done yoga before but had always wanted to try it. It was AMAZING! So relaxing, when I left I seriously felt as if I didn't have a care in the world. I think I might join a yoga class now!

We defiantly didn't do anything this intense! 

The second thing I want to share is an amazing man I had a chance to meet and hear speak. Ron Clark is very well known for his contributions to education. He began teaching in North Carolina and was also a Teaching Fellow. He was placed in one of the lowest performing classes and after teaching for a year had them scoring about the gifted students. He then moved to Harlem and did the same thing there, really touching students lives. Since then he has written three books, been on Oprah several times, opened a school in Atlanta, GA called the Ron Clark Academy, and there is even a movie made about his story. The movie is wonderful and I cannot wait to read his newest book entitled The End of Molasses Classes. Here is a clip of what his school is all about and also a picture of him and I after getting my book autographed! There is so much more I could say about him other than his story. If you get a chance to watch the movie I would highly recommend it! He is very inspirational and passionate about the kids he teaches.


  1. I would love to meet Ron Clark one day and listen to him speak! My mom has heard him and said that he was wonderful and so inspiring! Glad you had such a great time!

    I am new to blogging, and would love if you would stop by and visit me!

  2. Sounds like a great weekend! Yoga and Ron Clark?! How fun!

  3. Wow, I love Ron Clark, so very jealous that you got to hear him speak. I bet it was incredibly inspirational and informative. And yoga is my favorite workout ever! Definitely join a class if you can.

  4. Glad you had a great weekend! Yoga can be so relaxing. I love it!

  5. I've been wanting to try yoga for quite some time, but never seem to get around to it!! I think it would be the perfect thing to do to unwind at the end of the day....

    xo jess


Sweet Thoughts(: