
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Here I am, Rock you like a hurricane

I'm still aliveeee, haha. I know I have been MIA for way too long and I'm sorry! There have been so many things going on in my life that I don't even know where to start. For starters, I survived Hurricane Irene. My town however.. not so much. Things got bad early Saturday morning and we immediately lost power. A group of us got together and planned to spend the whole weekend together since we knew we would probably be stuck in one place. I guess we picked the wrong house however because a tree FELL ON THE house while we were there. Talk about scary! We were actually looking out the window when it happened so that was quite the shocker. Where Irene finally left, she left the whole town flooded, without power and with tree's down everywhere. Class has been canceled the past two days but I think we will be back in action tomorrow! Here are some pictures from the house and around town.

Major Flooding.. see the car?!

my backyard

the tree that fell on our house!

backyard again

ZTA driveway

Okay, sorry for the picture OVERLOAD! I'm sure it's not even that interesting but that is what has consumed my life for the past few days! We have made the most of it however because...
which means hurricane parties everyyy night. We might as well make the best of a bad situation right?! Well since this post is getting crazy long because of my picture overload I will go ahead and end it. Did anyone else get affected by Irene?!


  1. As a fellow, former Pirate, I'm glad to hear that you're okay! My brother is a junior this year and is thankfully safe as well. I know yall are probably ready to get back to classes now!

  2. Oh my gosh it looks like you got the worst of the storm. Luckily Irene just skimmed the shore of LI right near my house and we basically experienced some minor flooding, but nothing compared to what your place looks like. It's wonderful that in the middle of this whole thing you were able to stay positive! Best of luck with the cleanup!


Sweet Thoughts(: