
Friday, September 23, 2011


Friday's are amazing. I'm so excited it is finally the weekend! It is parents weekend at my school as well as game time! My parents aren't going to be able to make it but I am excited to see all my friends parents! Tonight my sorority has a social downtown for everyone to kick start the weekend. In the past it has proven to get crazy with parents "re-living" their college days and partying harder than their kids. It will be followed by a breakfast at the ZTA house in the morning and then it's officially GAME TIME! The pirates are playing UAB and will hopefully do better than they have the past two games. My only dilemma is the 60% chance of rain.. hm what to wear?! Do yall have any exciting weekend plans?

1 comment:

  1. I always loved seeing parents at sorority events--they party harder than their daughters!


Sweet Thoughts(: