
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I need advice!

This week has been insane.. my Mondays and Tuesday's have enough packed in them for the entire week. Tuesday's are internship days which are fun but exhausting. Now that I am finally getting to sit down and breathe I can think of things that keep me sane. Like the country club social this Friday and the football game against UNC on Saturday! Yay! I am having some issues however and would LOVE some advice! First item on the agenda is what to wear to the game? I know it isn't until Saturday but I have been trying to figure this out for a good two weeks... It is never too early to plan an outfit for game day! I have so many game day outfits I could pull out but this game is going to be at night time and the low is going to be in the 40's. That is too cold for my little game day dresses! It is the most anticipated game of the season and my parents will be here so it has to be a good outfit. What's a girl to do?? In the past I have gone with a simple scarf to add color.

I just don't know, suggestions would be great! Item two on the agenda is what I should make?! The parents are cooking a full tailgate meal- barbecue and all the fixins. I really want to make something special but I'm just not sure what. I tried an artichoke dip last year and it turned out great. Here are some pinterest inspirations I have had. Do you have any suggestions for the perfect tailgate food?

Any suggestions would be appreciated!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl! I just found your blog and LOVE it. Any of those food options look great, can you maybe make those for me and teleport them to my tailgate on Saturday too? :) Keep up the good posts!


Sweet Thoughts(: