
Monday, October 17, 2011

Made it down south to the land of the pines

[warning:picture overload!] This weekend I had the chance to spend the weekend with some good friends at NC State. I am so close to Raleigh and even almost went to State however have never really been to visit since I have been in school. On Friday two of my girl friends changed that and headed to our capital. As soon as we arrived we knew a beverage run was in order. Little did we know what we thought was a grocery store was actually an international food mart- interesting story that will have to wait for another day. We finally left and headed to the Delta Sigma Phi house where a friend of ours currently lives and is serving as president!

the girls- love them!

Friend from State

Wallace- my main man

After a little dance party we headed downtown to a bar called The Big Easy. It was pretty crowded but we had fun! Except for one poor boy who had enough too early ha.

the boys

poor guy

The next morning we recouped with Biscuitville and then headed to the state fair! I was SO excited!! I had never been before and couldn't wait to experience all of the fried food. We had so much fun checking out the rides, amazing food selections and other attractions. My favorite ride was this giant plastic bubble thingy that you could run around in like a hamster! I tried the corn on the cob which was dripping butter and amazing as well as the hand breaded corndog. I wanted fried green beans but didn't get a chance to enjoy those. (probably a good thing for my body) Did you know they have a such thing as fried kool aid?!

After the fair we headed over to a friends house where we grilled hamburgers, sweet potato fries and mac and cheese. That plus a bottle of wine= amazing. One happy girl I was(: Unfortunately ... I forgot to take pictures. So sad! We ended the trip at a local breakfast joint that was amazing. It was the perfect weekend and I couldn't be happier!


  1. What a fun weekend! I'm loving all of your outfits, too, especially the dress in the first picture!

  2. Yum! I love the NC State Fair and the corn on the cob is delish! Did you try the fried bacon? haha

  3. I love going to state fairs! I've never seen fried kool aid- ha! Looks like a fun weekend :)

  4. Looks like you had a blast! It's sad that I haven't been to our state fair yet!! I want to! I live in NC too :)

  5. I love the NC State Fair! I went on Thursday and think I'm going again this weekend, so much fun! Glad you had a good time in Raleigh!

  6. Looks like you had a great weekend! I hope I'll be able to make it to the State Fair this year! Last time I wanted to try the corn, but totally forgot!

  7. Cute blog! I am new follower! Check out my blog! :)

  8. Hi! I'm your sock-swap partner and I was just reading back through some of your blogs! I have been to the Big Easy before - so much fun and great food!


Sweet Thoughts(: