
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Hey, It's Okay!

I'm linking up with Neely for the first time to It's Okay Thursday!

It's Okay....

.. that while I'm writing a six page paper I stop after each completed page I write to read blogs. This paper isn't due for a month!

.. to misplace your phone and have to resort back to your old Blackberry Pearl for the time being. (okay, not really.. I'm tyring to convince myself though)

.. to get way to into themed socials. I have spent three days getting my outfit ready for our "Amurica" themed grab-a-date tomorrow night!

.. to blast country music with the windows down and heat blasting on my feet (sometimes)

.. to be more excited about waking up at 5:45 am for my internship than I am waking up at 8:30 for classes

.. to not be able to start my homework until I have washed the dishes, checked my email, facebook, twitter and blog. --social network problems?

.. to spend way too much time updating my IPOD when I have more productive things to be doing

.. to be extremely sad that the LAST home football game I will ever experience as a college student is this weekend.


  1. Enjoy your last Pirate game as a student! They are never the same!

  2. We had an "Amurrica" themed mixer at the beginning of this year and it was so much fun! Everyone really went all out. I wore an American flag as a dress! Patriotic, I know. Hope you'll share pics with us!

  3. Had my last football game as a student last night, can't believe we are growing up so fast!


Sweet Thoughts(: