
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Keep Calm

My thoughts exactly! I have to tell you I was unprepared for the massive amounts of school work senior year was going to pile on me. This has been the most difficult and time consuming semester I have ever had. Thankfully the end is insight and we are SO close to being finished! While that makes me happy my to-do list does not. This time of the year always brings the last few assignments, huge projects, final exams and extensive papers. My next two weeks will no doubt be spent doing nothing but school work. Having such an extensive to-do list stresses me out to the max! I feel like I can't sleep until everything is crossed off!

On a happier note- Thanksgiving break starts for me at 6pm today! I will be at my internship and then babysitting until 6. When I get off I will be heading home with my sister. I am so excited to see my family and my puppies! Wednesday morning my family and I will be packing up and making the 8 hour wonderful drive to Alabama to visit family for Thanksgiving! I am dreading the drive but can't wait to get down there! We always have the best time visiting my mom's side of the family in AL. Now if I can just tell myself to forget about the school work and enjoy my visit.. (easier said than done!)

Something to think about

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly how you feel! No one realizes how hard the life of a future teacher can be! I have had such a stressful semester too and blogging has provided such a great outlet for me to escape all of the pressures and stresses of the semester! I love the pinterest quote at the end -- I need to remember that because I DO NOT handle stress well. I like to try and pretend that I do.. but I always crumble! Good luck! It will all work out in the end! Plus, we are sooo close!! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Sweet Thoughts(: