
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Looking Back

Whew, November hit and decided to give NC a taste of cold weather! The low has been in the 30's the past couple days here. My roommate and I decided not to use our heat/air the entire month of October to save a little money since it was so nice outside- needless to say that ended this past weekend and our heat has been on ever since. I have never been a fan of cold weather but I do love the scarfs, sweaters and boots that come along with the chill. I'm going to share with you some of my favorite moments from October, the first being 1. the not cold perfect weather outdoors! I have a 10-15 minute walk to class in the mornings. This past month I have not once dreaded going to class because I have enjoyed the walk so much!

2. The Pumpkin Spice Latte at Starbucks

3. October started off fantastic with ECU VS. UNC. This was a favorite
moment because I had my entire family as well as my second family here.

4. The fact that I signed my senior summary and registered for graduation in May!

5. Fall break at home! (Mom- I miss you!)

6. Visiting an old friend at NC State and the state fair!

7. My favorite part of October: Visiting Charlottesville, VA
Us three girls back together was such a joyous moment. We didn't let
one second of our trip go to waist.

8. Spending more time with Maghan and her 22nd birthday!

9. Homecoming!

10. Halloween

I had a wonderful month of October and hope you did as well! I can't wait to see with November brings!


  1. I'm seriously obsessed with the pumpkin spice latte! :) October is always such a fun month! :) Great pictures!

  2. All of your outfits in these pictures are too cute! Hope November brings you just as many smiles as October did!

  3. Hey! I stumbled upon your blog from someone else blog and just started following! I actually just graduated from UNCW and have a lot of friends at ECU. Small world :) I hope you have a wonderful weekend! So glad I came across your site today!

  4. Aw! Your post makes me homesick :) This is the first time in ages that I've missed the NC State Fair! Looks like you had a wonderful month!


Sweet Thoughts(: