
Thursday, December 8, 2011

I'm Back

I'm still here! I know I have been the worst blogger the past week. This time of the year is always crazy for me! Right before final exams is when my biggest projects/portfolios/papers etc... are due. It is also the time EVERYONE has holiday parties! Between school and festivities it has been very hard to find time to do anything extra. Here is a quick recap of the past few days.

My roommate and I decided to make a senior year bucket list! There are  so many thing we want to do before we graduate we decided to document them and post the list on our fridge!We had the best time making the list!

(yes we wore matching outfits, ... on purpose)

I also attended a Tacky Christmas sweater party! This is always my favorite event of the year!

I already shared Semi Formal! 

Last night I had a Teaching Fellow Holiday Social

one birthday celebration

and the girl I babysit got a new dog!

All of that + the masses amounts of school work I finished kept me quite busy! Now I have three final exams and a Sig Ep Holiday Cocktail left!

Is this time of year overwhelming for anyone else?


  1. You are busy, busy! I love the idea of a bucket list for your last year and you looked so nice at the Teaching Fellows event! Good luck with finals!

  2. So very overwhelming! A senior year bucket list sounds like a great idea - you should share it with us!! Love your dress you wore to TF!! I'm having a giveaway, go check it out & enter to win lots of goodies for you this Christmas!! :)

  3. My roommate and I made a bucket list our junior year that we wanted to complete before we graduated... then we lost it in the move between junior and senior year! I hope you have better luck (and fun!) with yours!

  4. I would love to hear what is on your bucket list!

  5. Love the teaching fellow shot! Where are you in school, I was a teaching fellow at NC State:)

    follow me at

  6. I want to hear about your senior bucket list!
    and thank goodness finals are almost over! =]


Sweet Thoughts(: