
Monday, December 26, 2011

Oh, the holidays

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, I know I sure did! On Christmas Eve my mom and I cooked a pasta dish for the family. She makes up the best dishes that I will have to share sometime! This one was linguine with chicken, sun dried tomatoes, zucchini and squash sauteed together with our one secret ingredient. (; Every Christmas Eve my sister and I are allowed to open one present. The present I opened this year was the game Catch Phrase. My family sat around and played this game for a while. It was absolutely hilarious to hear some of the answers that were coming from my family members.

Christmas morning mom cooked a huge breakfast (that we ate around noon, so brunch) that was amazing. My grandmother joined us for all the fun. After breakfast was present time where I felt so spoiled. If you're reading thanks mom and dad for everything!! I'm finally on the IPhone wagon thanks to my parents! The meal and opening presents always gets the best of me so I had to take a quick nap before recouping to head to the movies! When my great grandmother passed away a few years ago we had to find a new tradition of what to do Christmas night. This year we decided we would go see the movie We Bought a Zoo. I was shocked to see how packed the theatre was! Apparently this is something lots of people like to do! The movie did not disappoint at all! I HIGHLY recommend it for everyone of all ages. When we got home from the movie I had to hit the sack because a fever had popped up. I haven't felt well all day today but don't have a fever any longer. Hopefully it's a 24 hour bug that will soon be gone! I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas.


  1. i'm sorry you got sick on christmas :(

    but i am glad that the rest of your christmas was wonderful!

  2. Catch phrase is my absolute favorite game! I love playing games with my family as well as my friends' families because it really helps to bring people out of their shell! I hope you're feeling much better now, I was sick on Valentine's Day one year, and it was horrible! P.S- Your package will be on its way tomorrow!

  3. Glad you had a fabulous Christmas! xo

  4. It sounds like a fantastic day! Sorry about the illness though :(

  5. Sounds like a great Christmas--we open a present on Christmas Eve as well! Hope you feel better soon!


Sweet Thoughts(: