
Sunday, December 11, 2011

You have Questions

You have questions? I have answers! I've seen a couple other of my blogging friends do this and thought I would join in on the fun. This blog is essentially about me, therefore I talk about what is going on my life often. Maybe I'm not talking about what you are wondering though! Over the next few days comment on this post with a any question you would like to ask me. After I receive a handful I'll make a post with all of the answers!

On another note, last night was the Sig Ep Christmas Cocktail. My date was the same guy that attended the ZTA semi formal with me last weekend. A couple of my girl friends were also attending so that made for a fun night!! Despite it being cold, or just down right freezing, we had so much fun!! Here are some pictures of the night. (Can you tell these boys have every type of flag hanging up on the wall?)

(Ignore the awkward light bubble on my face!)

I also completed one task off of the bucket list! I'll share tomorrow!!


  1. yay so much fun
    My Question-- What is your ideal grade you want to teach??

  2. Looks like ya had fun! and dont all boys houses tend to look the same haha

    question: fav online and in person store to shop at!

  3. Looks like you had FUN!

    My question is: Is the boy you went to semi and Christmas cocktail with a potential BF? Or are you dating at all?


Sweet Thoughts(: