
Friday, January 27, 2012


It's finally Friday, are you as excited as I am?! I have my first observation at my internship today which is a little nerve racking. Once that is complete and 4:00 rolls around I am officially on weekend time. I have big plans to do absolutely nothing this weekend. I plan to drink coffee, take a nap, do some laundry, do a little crafting, catch up with friends and that's about it. It sounds like the perfect weekend to me!(:

I was a poor blogger this week but I did have you all on my mind! I snapped this picture before heading off to school one day to show you how adorable my new pink pants are! I hate mirror photos but there was no one to take a picture of me that early so I had to compromise. Note the awkward hand placement-

One thing that keeps me motivated to wake up and go to my internship at the crack of dawn every morning is that fun outfits I get to put together. I love mixing and matching bright colors and fun socks. My pink and green/ blue and yellow, etc mixtures are totally okay with my 7 year olds(:

Okay, enough chit chat.. It's Friday! Go enjoy yourself a nice sprinkle rimmed cocktail, haha

and in honor of last nights game.. love this picture!


  1. Cute outfit! Check out my blog today, I gave you a "Liebster Blog Award" :)

  2. I love your cute outfit! Good luck with your observation!

  3. LOVE the pants!! Teacher clothes are so fun!

  4. Cute outfit! Hope your observation went well :) Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Love the pink pants, but my favorite thing about this post is the last picture. I'm a tar heel so I love seeing pics of Mr. Roy. :)

  6. I love those pants! Where are they from!? You look so cute!

  7. Hope you had a great, relaxing weekend! I saw that you were featured on Kalyn's blog too and wanted to come check yours out!


Sweet Thoughts(: