
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Oh my!

I am starting my internship today! My thoughts on this is exactly "Oh my!.."

Oh my goodness I am so nervous..
and excited..
and scared..
and even though I am pre-writing this probably tired since I woke up at 5:30am

oh my.. who knew there was so much paperwork
and planning
and crazy high expectations

Despite all my nerves I am super excited to be back with all of the students and my clinical teacher! Sometimes when I am overwhelmed and tired of school work and internship things I watch this video to remember just why I decided to become a teacher. If you haven't seen it before and are in education I suggest you watch it, it's a favorite of mine!

Have a great Tuesday friends!


  1. I love that video! I have it bookmarked on the bar at the top of my browser so I can watch it frequently! You will do great on your first day and I can't wait to hear all about it! Are you with the same teacher you had last semester or a new one?

  2. You're going to be great! I remember how nervous I was when I started my student teaching this time last year. It's going to fly by :) Enjoy it! Those kids will love you!

  3. hope your first day went well! :)


Sweet Thoughts(: