
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Back at it

I have had the past two days off from my internship and it was SO nice! On Tuesday I attended my first career fair specifically for education. It was three hours of non stop education talk and resume handing. I left feeling overwhelmed but also excited. I can't believe I actually am old enough to have a resume! All of the school districts I am interested in, with the exception of one, were in attendance so I was pleased!

my outfit

After my overwhelming day, knowing I didn't have my internship the next day and finding out that I PASSED PRAXIS II I couldn't resist celebrating Mardi Gras that night(:

Wednesday morning I woke up bright and early to attend the Mary Lois Staton Language Arts conference. It was an all day program that focused on literacy techniques for teachers. It was absolutley amazing! I'm so glad I had the opportunity to attend. During the conference we were given a one hour lunch break. To a second grade teacher who has to pack a lunch every day and rush to eat it while monitoring 24 seven year olds, an hour break is the best thing since sliced bread. I headed over to a bagel shop and got this delicious Veggie bagel! Yum!

Even though I was still busy both days, having the day off from my internship was very relaxing! I am not well rested and ready to finish off these next two days before the weekend arrives. Happy Thursday friends! .


  1. Congrats on passing your praxis test! those teaching tests can be killers!

  2. Sounds like you had an exciting couple of days! Yay for you passing the Praxis 2! I remember how sdtressful that was! I'm not sure if you are interested in coming back to Rockingham County and teaching but if you are, the career fair is April 13th at RCC. I just found out in an email from Central Office! I know we are going to have a couple of openings at my school! I'd love to teach with you (:

  3. Congratulations on rocking the Praxis! I know you are so glad to have that behind you!

  4. Congratulations on passing the Praxis! I love having days off :)


Sweet Thoughts(: