
Sunday, February 19, 2012

Relaxing Weekend

Being in my internship this semester has made me take on a new appreciation for my weekends. I enjoy having days to spend however I please, laying around in the morning with a cup of coffee, waisting time on the web and catching up with family and friends. I'm pretty sure I say this every Monday, but I just simply do not understand how my weekends can go by so fast.

This weekend was absolutely perfect! Friday night I caught up with several friends at a local Mexican restaurant over drinks and cheese dip. I had debated staying in but when my friend called me and said Mexican I knew I had to go! That's my weakness! After catching up for a while and comparing internship stories we headed out to a nearby Tavern to listen to a band called The Remedy. They play "feel good music" meaning a little bit of everything that is perfect to dance to. I am a sucker for good music and absolutely love to shag. Lucky for me one of my good guy friends who is also an amazing dancer was there so I was able to dance the night away.

Saturday morning my sister and I headed to Lake Gaston to meet my family. I couldn't wait to get there because the weather was absolutely gorgeous!! Warm and sunny= the perfect Lake day! Ginny and I stopped in Rocky Mount on the way to run in a few shops and I got some fun purchases. When we finally got to the lake I decided it would be perfect to take a chair down to the dock, grab a pillow and a blanket and start my new book. So that's just what I did, and it was amazing. I may or may not have even fell asleep for a little bit(;

That night my family had a celebration for Ginny's birthday complete with cocktail shrimp, steak kabobs, baked and sweet potatoes, fresh salad and key lime cake. Yum!! We had so much fun catching up! Sunday afternoon we had to head back to school and I began working on lesson plans and getting things ready for the week. They are calling for snow tonight so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a 2 hour delay tomorrow!


  1. Ohhhh your reading spot looks heavenly!

  2. Ha, my weakness is Mexican food to, especially arroz con pollo. Reading by the lake is so relaxing, glad you had a great time!

  3. Next time you take an excursion to the lake, can you please take me?! :) looks like you and Ginny had so much fun! Loved spending time with you Friday night and I love you!

  4. That view is so gorgeous!! I always wonder where my weekends go...I refused to head back to Lexington today, which means that I have to leave at 6 AM tomorrow morning!

  5. Aw sounds like such a fun weekend!

  6. The picture of the book and the blankie....sigh heaven! Looks like you had a wonderful time!

  7. What a perfect week end - but it was the book and blanket by the lake that got me - bliss! I almost drooled!

  8. Reading on the dog? HEAVEN!! Weekends in the "real world" certainly do fly by--in college I usually had Fridays off, so every weekend was a three day weekend, I sure do miss that!


Sweet Thoughts(: