
Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I apologize for the lack of posting lately, I have quite the little busy bee juggling my student internship, graduate school applications and job applications. It amazes me how different my time was spent one year ago, with no worries, compared to now with lots of worries. I will admitt that I am a tad stressed and very busy but that hasn't stopped me from loving many things on this gorgeous Wednesday! Perfect time to link up with Jamie at this kind of love.

I'm loving that the weather will be in the 70's until Saturday!

I'm loving my fun Target finds that I meant to post about almost a month ago.

I'm NOT loving that all of my friends are going on Spring Break next week while I must stay here and continue to attend my internship. I AM loving that many of my friends will be heading to the Bahamas, can't help but be excited for them!

I'm loving March begins tomorrow! Where does the time go?

I'm loving the Banana nut muffins my grandmother sent me! yum!

I'm loving that Dr. Seuss birthday is this week!

I'm loving this quote. I have got to start remember this and stop stressing about things!!

Happy Wednesday Friends!


  1. Very cute Target finds! I always walk in there and come out with SO many random things. Cute things and low prices, I can't help myself!

  2. oh, that IS such a good quote! funny how one of the first authors we read as a kid really said some powerful (and important!) things :)

  3. Thanks for playing along!

    I need to remember that last quote more often too!

  4. ooh, a pink lighter! How cute, ha! I saw those gloves in Target Wednesday night too, for 68 cents! I REALLY needed that last quote! Thank you!! New follower :)


Sweet Thoughts(: