
Monday, March 26, 2012

Work Hard, Play Harder

Work hard, Play harder..

That is my  motto this week my friends. You see on Thursday I have to turn in the biggest assignment I have had to complete since I have been in college. I kid you not, this sucker is big. 40 single spaced pages of information, video clips, and lesson plans with 9 rubrics being used to score this sucker. That's my final Elementary Education Portfolio that is due in just a few short days.

It's okay though. (Not really, but it has to be right? ha, kidding!) I have come to accept the fact that every night this week will be spent working on nothing but this portfolio until the wee hours of the night. So far the past two nights have contained lots of coffee, some Hootie and the Blowfish, not much sleep and every now and then glancing up at my Carolina Cup dress.

Glancing up at my dress is random, I know! That's where my motto comes into affect however. I am going to bust my you know what to get this portfolio done this week (work hard) so that this weekend I can play harder!! I'm BEYOND excited to leave for Carolina Cup 2012 this Friday after my internship! This is one of my favorite events of the entire year. If I have to have a miserable week preparing my portfolio that is A-okay with me because this weekend will be just enough fun to make up for all the hard work! 

Are any of you ladies going this year?
Alright back to work for me!


  1. I hope you're able to get a little sleep this week - thankfully, our final assignment is nothing quite that drastic. I'm sure you'll do great, and it'll make this weekend that much better for you!


  2. What a great feeling! I remember the final weeks of student teaching and the last minute touches on my portfolio. You're in the final stretch, enjoy every moment!!

  3. Good Luck with portfolio, it will be so great when all your hard work paid off! And have a fabulous time at Carolina Cup, my younger sister will be there too (wish I could go)!

  4. A lot of the fraternities at my school decided to skip Carolina Cup so they can save money for formal! I'm super bummed and will have to live vicariously through you! HAVE SO MUCH FUN.. and take lots of pictures :)


Sweet Thoughts(: