
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter Weekend

After an amazing Easter weekend at home I am now officially on spring break. It feels so nice to have a break from my internship! This past weekend I was able to spend time with a group of high school friends and enjoy Easter with my family. It's always such a nice break out of Greenville when I get to head home. If I wasn't babysitting back at school this week I would have stayed longer.

Friday night I was able to get together with a group of friends from high school and hit the town in Greensboro. We actually had a group of about 20+ people but I didn't get pictures of everyone. I did get one with my girl friends though! It's always a good time when we get together.

Saturday my mom and I headed back to Greensboro to run errands in preparation for Easter Sunday. We had to go to the fresh market of course! That is her all time favorite place to grocery shop and I have to admit I'm pretty fond of it myself. We may or may not have made at least 4 coffee stops for the small samples while shopping. ha. I also picked up my graduation announcements that look great!! I'll be sure to post about them later! We enjoyed a nice lunch outdoors at a place called Bin 33. By Saturday night I was exhausted and headed to bed pretty early.

Easter Sunday I went to church for a great service and then had lunch with my family. Later that evening my family decided to take the boat out to Belews Creek and had the BEST time. My precious little puppies were quite a sight out there. Poor Charlie fell off the boat and into the water- no worries though, he had his life jacket! (;


How can you not love that face? ..This was pre fall


  1. you look gorgeous!

  2. aww love your dogs life vest =]

  3. You are so adorable! Enjoy your spring break - I wish ours hadn't been the first week of March!


  4. Looks like a fun Easter! Your doggy is so precious in his life jacket! Glad you're getting a well-needed break this week! Enjoy!

  5. I love all of your pictures!! You and your sister look adorable, as always! I'm glad you're Easter was fun and that you are on Spring Break now.. although I might be a little jealous!

  6. Such cute pictures and that basset hound is adorable!

  7. I love your dress! Your pups are too cute! Thank goodness he had on his life vest!!

  8. I am stealing your dogs. They are soooo cute! :)

  9. That pink and green dress is so spring. Love.

  10. These photos are great! I'm new here... browsing around and decided to comment instead of lurk. :) I LOVE the look and feel of your blog so far- off to check out some more! Happy week, sugar! xo

  11. Ahhhh! My family has a place at Belews Creek! I practically live up there! Maybe I'll run into you at some point (:

  12. Hehhee, love the boat pics--what cute pooches!! I'm on Spring Break too, though sad to say it's almost over now!

  13. Your blog is such a good source of inspiration, beautiful posts! Would you like to follow each other?

  14. I hope you are having a wonderful week off! Just found your blog and I'm a new follower. You and your friends/family look so cute! Come check out my Kate Spade giveaway!

  15. Your pictures are so cute! It looks like you had a wonderful break :)
    Just found your blog - it's adorable!

  16. I love your Easter outfits and your puppies - they are just precious!



Sweet Thoughts(: