
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Too Early?

Is it too early to be thinking of Fall?

It's seriously all I can think about. Normally I am dreading the end of summer. I get cold extremely easy and normally don't welcome cooler weather. Maybe the insane heat we have been having lately is causing me to rethink my old love for summer and move to a new love for autumn? If it's not the heat, my readiness for cooler weather could be because I'm ready to have my own classroom! That part is coming very very soon (just two more weeks before I start training and can get in my class!! I CAN'T wait)

Of course I think there are a few other things that have me thinking of the season change, like...

A wardrobe change.
I can't tell you how much I love wearing dresses with boots, scarves and neutral fall colors.

Pumpkin Spice Lattes are my guilty pleasure
I try to stay away from Starbucks and brew coffee at home to avoid extra calories and spending money. When these come out however it is a different story. They are a.m.a.z.i.n.g

-We're in the south, no description needed-

There is much more I love about fall but the things listed above are enough to have me in fall fever. Anyone else having the same thoughts I am? or maybe I should just go put on a bathing suit and enjoy the weather while it's here. Have a terrific Tuesday!


  1. Now I can't stop thinking about fall! And football season, oh gosh! I love that photo of the sweater & watch combo! Although I have a few more summer trips planned, I can't wait for the heat to die down a bit so I can break out my jackets and boots!

  2. Its never too early to start dreaming about fall! I can't wait!

  3. Never too early to be thinking about fall. Between football season, sweaters and boots and pumpkin treats, I don't know why we have any other season! Craving a pumpkin spiced latte now!

  4. You are 100% right about the heat. It is making me want fall to get here faster. The best part about fall is the sweaters and football. Everyone loves a good sweater!

  5. I LOVE summer, but I'm ready for the fall. I'm actualyl excited for school to start and I can't wait to get back to Lexington! I saw boots at DSW last week and it made me even more excited! I love new boots.

  6. I can't wait for fall! I went to the Jcrew outlet the other day and they were already starting to switch summer clothes out for colder weather clothes! Fall is almost here!

  7. no it isn't too early to start thinking about fall because i ordered some cute wedge booties that are arriving tomorrow and i wish it was colder weather already so i could wear them


Sweet Thoughts(: