
Sunday, September 9, 2012


It's amazing how needed weekends are after a long work week! Having time to relax actually makes me ready and excited to go back to school on Monday! Now ready for school and ready for my 5:30 am alarm clock are too different things. 

Friday night my mom came into town. We ate dinner together before I headed out with some friends for the night. The Embers were playing at one of my favorite hangout spots so of course I had to attend! It was quite the night and so much fun! Saturday my mom sister and family friends headed to Little Washington for the day. The weather was absolutely perfect for a day full of shopping, eating, and walking the waterfront. 

mom and I 

me and the girlies 

mom and my "second mom" (:


I had to sport purple and gold because it was game day! However, I'm not going to go into any more detail about the game because it was not pretty. We won last weekend when we played ASU, but were far from scoring a W against USC this weekend. The day left my exhausted and in bed pretty early. Sundays are my favorite because I have time to wake up, enjoy coffee, blogging, pinning and lesson planning. That is definitely what I consider "me time."

The first two weeks of first grade have been busy busy busy but very exciting! I love my babies, talkative all day and all! We are slowly but surely beginning to learn classroom procedures and getting into our daily schedule. With READ 3D testing going on it's been hard to actually follow a set schedule. Hopefully that will wrap up by Tuesday, fingers crossed! 

On another note..
fall is so close! I can't wait for cooler weather!! Labor day has passed but the 90 degree temperatures haven't quite gone away. That doesn't mean I cannot begin wardrobe planning though! 

Slightly a bit too much but still perfection.. 

love love love


  1. It looks like you had a lot of fun with the girls! I love your dress and no worries our team lost this weekend shall not be spoken of!

  2. where is that roll tide dress from?


Sweet Thoughts(: