
Sunday, September 2, 2012

So Many Happenings!

Wow, what a week! My first week of first grade is now complete and I survived. Starting school on a Monday is exhausting! I absolutely adore my students. One week with them and I can already tell I'm attached!! This week was a tad bit stressful with paperwork/transportation issues/ supplies and all of the other beginning of the year things. Hopefully that will all calm down this upcoming week and we can start diving into the curriculum! 

I'm so sad I didn't take pictures of some of our first week activities!! I'm going to try to remember to take some Tuesday and dedicate another post to sharing them. We did activities with The Kissing Hand, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, and Chrysanthemum. I love the way they all turned out! We also made a how we get to school graph. 

By Friday I was exhausted and ready for a little time away from my classroom. It just so happens that it was game weekend so you can imagine I was beyond excited!! My old roommate came to town about the same time I got out of school. We headed down to the local book store which sells lots of ECU merchandise and bought matching wine glasses for the game. They are so cute we couldn't resist! Later that night me and my girl friends went to see the band Liquid Pleasure play at a local tavern. They were so good and so fun!! Check out those purple sequined jackets. 

Saturday morning we woke up bright and EARLY to begin tailgating for the first football game of the season! ECU played Appalachian and won! Whew Who! The game was miserably hot but that didn't stop the fun. 

8am champagne pop to celebrate! 

(my button says "Rowdy in Dowdy" ha) 

like our wine glasses?

I'm so glad football season is here! It's by far the best time of the year! When football ends I never know what to do with my weekends. After the game Kappa Alpha had a band play at their house so we headed to that for a bit. I just love seeing everyone back in town! Alumni and students!! 

All of the fun made the weekend fly by and left me a tad tired and congested with a sore throat on Sunday. Nothing a nap and Thera Flu can't fix!! We have Monday off from school for Labor Day and I'm actually excited to spend my day lesson planning. The break must have been exactly what I needed! 

Two more important things:
 Number 1:

Pumpkin Spice Lattes are out!!! YAY! 

Number 2: 
Happy Birthday to my sweet dad!! I love you! 


  1. Glad school is going well!! Looks like you had a fun weekend!! Love yalls wine glasses! :)

  2. That school picture is so cute!! My little babies come tomorrow for their first day of kindergarten! I met most of them at Open House and am already in love!

  3. I'm so glad you're loving your job! Good luck on week 2! Their true personalities come out this week (: haha

  4. It sounds like you had a great first week with your Firsties! I am a 1st grade teacher too!

    I am happy to be your newest follower. If you get the chance, I would love for you to hop over and visit me. I have tons of *freebies*. =)

    Heather's Heart


Sweet Thoughts(: