
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Christmas Shopping Side tracked

Tis the season y'all! 
It's the season to give, which means the season to shop. 

It's no surprise that this girl loves to shop. I can't help but to instantly get a "mood lift" every time a good purchase(or deal) has been made. Along with shopping though also comes the downfall of "should I really have spent that money? probably not.. Did I really need that? ..not really" which can be a  bit of a buzz kill if you ask me. Lucky for us, It's the season to shop shop shop and not feel so guilty! I absolutely LOVE picking out gifts for loved ones this time of year. Unfortunately, shopping for a mother, grandmother, sister and friends I am all too often in girly shops where the temptation to make purchases for myself is stronger than ever.  Does anyone else get side tracked when Christmas shopping? I always seem to find something for myself in the process, ha. 

During the black Friday shopping rush I scored a few items that I have been extremely happy with! 

1. Cheetah flats
These aren't the exact ones but very similar 

2. the softest neutral color sweater 
(once again, not the exact one but similar) 

3. Mint/Teal statement necklace 

Hopefully I can make it through the rest of my holiday shopping without splurging on myself. I am happy with these items though! 


  1. were did you find your flats? I want some desperately but can't ever find an affordable pair that are comfortable!

  2. Love that necklace! It will go perfectly with the sweater!

  3. This happens to me all the time, especially at places like Target! I leave the house looking for a gift for someone, and end up finding 100 things that I need along the way. Love your Black Friday finds! Have a great weekend!

  4. Love all your purchases!! Very pretty sweater and necklace, and the flats are adorable! You could wear everything together.


Sweet Thoughts(: