
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Perfect Saturday

It's not often that I come across a Saturday where I literally have NOTHING to do. This past weekend I had one of those days though and it was absolutely perfect. Of course football games, shopping, social events, etc.. are all fun but sometimes it's nice to just not have anything on the agenda. 

I was rather lame Friday night and ended up in bed before 10:30. That was okay though because I woke up early Saturday feeling refreshed and ready to go. I enjoyed the first part of my morning with some Chai tea, blogging and morning news shows. That morning routine is one of my favorite parts of the day but unfortunately there is no time for that kinda thing on week day mornings. Once I was nice and relaxed I decided to head to the gym. I got a VERY good workout in that I am still sore from. It feels good to be a little sore though because I know it was time well spent. 

After the gym I went to my friend Ashley's house to take her new puppy on a walk. She recently got a golden retriever puppy who is absolutely PRECIOUS. We walked Layla all around ECU's campus which was absolutely gorgeous with the fall leaves. 

Seriously, how perfect is she?

When we got back Ashley convinced me to try out her Jillian Michaels 30 day shred workout video.  It was another good little workout for the day which probably contributed to my soreness today. 

The rest of the day was spent relaxing, cleaning and seeing friends. To me it really was the perfect Saturday. It left me as one happy happy girl! 


  1. How did you like the 30 day shred. I want to try it!

  2. So glad to hear you are keeping up with your tea and gym routine! And got to hand out with the cutest puppy :)

  3. Ahh I love Saturdays where there is nothing on the agenda! I used to hate that but now that I'm a teacher, I live for those days to do absolutely nothing but relax and regroup! (: Have a great week girl! Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Oh my goodness, that puppy is too cute!

  5. That is the most adorable puppy I have seen in a while! Love your blog, jealous you had a whole day to yourself!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. Weekends with nothing on the agenda are sometimes my favorite!!


Sweet Thoughts(: