
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Holiday Parties

Oh how the tables have turned this holiday season. I remember last year attending Christmas cocktail with my sorority, Christmas formal with a fraternity, Teaching Fellow holiday social, etc, etc. In college the holidays brought lots of fun events to dress up and socialize. It was also the time to have a little fun before buckling down for Exams, getting busy studying, then celebrating exams being OVER.  Not anymore my friends.. the tables have turned. 

I am now spending my Christmas big girl real world style. Cramming for exams has been replaced with progress monitoring kiddos at school and watching Alvin float around our room. 

Christmas cocktails have been replaced with holiday parties on week nights. Where the drink specials were once the highlight of the evening in college, parties have transformed into the delicious food becoming the highlight of the party. 

The Holidays have been just as much fun if not more fun that last year! It's funny to think how different things are though. 

My roommate hosted a Christmas party Sunday night that was complete with appetizers, dinner, games, prizes, and girl talk. We had SO much fun with all girls and tacky Christmas  sweaters. I'm so sad I didn't take more pictures of the night but I did grab a few. I also ended the night winning several prizes  including some lilly pulitzer and a new throw blanket.  

A couple of the girls and I 

One of the games- a race to blow ballons, stuff them in panty hoes, 
put them on your head and sing Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.

I went to another Christmas party with the girls I work with Tuesday night. I'm lucky to work with a very young group of girls around my age. I only got one picture of some of the food.

This really did not capture even half of the food but I'm sure you can imagine(: 

I am now ready for Christmas break so I can celebrate the holidays out of school! (there are 7days, or 5 school days left.. I'm not counting or anything,ha) 


Sweet Thoughts(: