
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

100th day of school

Yesterday marked the 100th day of school in first grade. It's hard to believe how fast this year is going by! Looking back my students have accomplished so much. [Insert one proud teacher grin] We celebrated the 100th day with lots of 100 number themed activities. We also had the students dress up like they were 100. Some of the outfits were absolutely darling! 

Can you see all the personality our class has? Trust me it's LOTS (:

Even Miss Holden got in on the action 


I wish I had taken more pictures of the activities and decorations but as always the day was crazy and fast paced. 

Now just 80 more days to go! I think we can make it(:


  1. I love seeing the little ones dress like they're a 100 years old! It's rather comical! (: Have a good rest of the week!

  2. Your class is too cute!! Good luck with the last 80 days...that seems so short!

  3. We had our 100th day yesterday, too! I teach 2nd, so we didn't celebrate as much, but our first grade classes dressed up as 100 year olds, also. Too cute!


Sweet Thoughts(: