
Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday Catch Up

This past weekend went by at record speed for this girl. I wish we had just one more day to enjoy but oh well. I have lots to catch up on so expect a picture heavy post. (: 

I went to the Ducks Unlimited banquet
(where I fell in love with the most adorable yellow lab)

I celebrated my little sisters 21st birthday. I officially feel OLD now

I checked out several classes at my gym I've never done before.
Bodystep, Bodypump and Bodycombat. I've been doing Body Attack and absolutely love it. Is anyone else on the Les Mills kick? I'm really loving all of the classes and can already tell a difference in mussel strength and endurance. 

I also went swimming for the first time in give or take 2+ years. Seriously, yall.. That is tough work. I was able to get back to swimming a 500 (slowly) before I left though. yay! 

I attended the Campbell Law School Barristers Ball in Raleigh, where I arrived in a pepto bismal pink limo. Yep, no joke. It was the highlight of the night I would have to say. 

..and today marks Dr. Seuss/Spirit week at school! Let the fun begin!(:


  1. I felt ancient when my sister turned 18 this year, I can't think how I will feel when she is 21!

  2. My sister will be 21 in a few weeks, too. Can't believe it! Looks like an awesome weekend. Don't we all wish for one more day??


Sweet Thoughts(: