
Friday, May 17, 2013

Currently Craving

Happy Friday friends!! I could not be more thrilled to say those words! It has been a busy week for me. I am ready for 3pm to roll around so I can head to the lake for a weekend of sunshine, reading and resting with my family. 

On another note- it's amazing I have any followers at all given how completely random this blog is! I tend to blog about what ever is on my mind at the moment. Right now what is on my mind is food cravings! For almost two months I had the biggest craving for homemade banana pudding. I FINALLY got some last weekend, thank goodness! That is a long time to go craving something! It is hard to find though and I wasn't ready to brave the recipe. Although I did pin it, ha. Anyways, now that craving has been fixed I guess my stomach was ready to throw something else my way. -Breakfast. I am now craving breakfast food. I don't care if it comes in breakfast, brunch or dinner format but I want real true, southern breakfast food. 

Hopefully I wont have to wait too long before I get a hold of some of this amazingness.. 

I grew up eating biscuits with tomato gravy. 
My mom is from Alabama and this is most certainly an Alabama staple 


If I can't get tomato gravy, sawmill gravy will work! No complaints here(:


scrambled eggs 

and to top it off... I'm  a sucker for chocolate milk 

What are you currently craving?

1 comment:

  1. I am OBSESSED with breakfast food. Like, I might have a legit problem, haha. I've never heard of biscuits with tomato gravy! I think my bf would be in heaven with those :)


Sweet Thoughts(: