
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Kick Start to Summer

The past two days absolutley FLEW by. Monday marked a huge milestone for me because it was the last day of school for the students!! It's hard to believe my first year of teaching is over! As excited as I was about it being the last day of school and summer break being so close it was also bittersweet. I hadn't expected the day to be as emotional as it was. I teared up telling my class goodbye and then teared up again at the end of school staff party telling the retirees goodbye. I was a mess right?! But don't worry.. there were plenty of ear to ear grins on my face as I thought about summer with nothing to do but relax!

I arrived at work Tuesday morning prepared to work Teacher Workdays until Thursday only to find out that I have enough comp time I could take the rest of the week off and start summer immediately! Of course I wanted to start my summer early but that also meant I had to pack up my classroom quick. I was running around like a madwoman yesterday but I was able to finish it all! When I left school I came home only to have to do more packing to move out of my house and into my parents house for the summer. Long story short, Totally unexpectedly on Tuesday I packed up my classroom, moved out of my house, drove three hours, and moved into my parents house. All of the busyness has me ready for a day, week, month of doing nothing!

1 comment:

  1. I totally understand the emotion in ending a school year... I feel the same way with my vball girls :(
    You're a mad-woman! You weren't wasting any time getting your summer started! :)


Sweet Thoughts(: