
Friday, June 21, 2013

My Favorite Things- Fitness Edition

Happy first day of summer! To me summer starts Memorial weekend but today is special because it's the first official day of summer!! I'm linking up today with Across the Hall in 2nd, My Favorite Things, this time fitness edition! What better time to be working on your fitness than bikini season?

A month ago my favorite things would be completely different. I would have said I love my gym, the fitness classes they offer and running inside and out. Since summer is here and I have moved I am no longer a member of my gym. It's also hard to find a time outside where it's not too hott to go running. I'm currently trying to change my fitness schedule and find something that works for me. Here is what I'm trying, keeping in mind I will not be joining back at the gym until August. 

Running Outside
early in the morning, or late in the evening

I don't want to let the heat stop me from running but I am going to adjust the time of day I go! 

When I just don't feel like running, walking is the perfect exercise. I plan on going on lots of walks this summer.. walking my dog, walking with my mom, walking on the beach, on local trails, the possibilities are endless! 

Indoor Ab exercises 

That's it for exercises but there are a few more fitness favorite on my list! 

What are your summer fitness favorites? Link up with Across the Hall in 2nd and share! 


  1. I'm a big fan of walking! Your blog is very cute. Glad we found it! Isn't first grade the best?
    Tamra and Sarah
    First Grade Buddies

  2. Found your blog through the linky! Love the chevron on your blog.

    I used to run all the time and fell off the wagon a bit. I finally started back up after school ended and I'm determined to keep it up.

  3. Thanks for linking up! I cant run outside when it's really hot either, so it looks like nighttime it is!!

    Across the Hall in 2nd Grade

  4. Even though I'm trying to be a runner, I will always be a walker at heart! I can walk for miles and feel so good! Asics are my shoe of choice too! Love how comfy they are!

    WILD About First Grade!

  5. I agree that running is best in the early morning or late at night! Some days I try to talk myself into an afternoon run but it is just WAY TOO HOT in the summer for all that! I hope you are enjoying your first summer break as a teacher!! :)


Sweet Thoughts(: