
Sunday, July 14, 2013

Hodgepodge of July So Far

Someone please tell me this is normal.... Okay, y'all , seriously, I LOVE blogging. It became a hobby that I truly enjoy and look forward to. At the same time, I have become not very good at all when it comes to posting regularly! This is what happens.. I get so caught up in reading all the other blogs out there that by the time I am ready to write my own post something has come up. What gives?! Haha, maybe I should start posting before I read the other lovely blogs out there. 

Now on to a little update from happenings so far this July. I started out the month at the beach with Justin ready to celebrate the 4th of July. We had a great week preparing for the holiday! I had some extra time on my hands so I experimented in the kitchen with homemade whoopee pies and pink lemonade cupcakes.

I spent the actual 4th on the beach with Justin's family. We couldn't have asked for better weather or better company! 

That same weekend after the 4th we did a little traveling to visit some friends. We spent one night in Greensboro visiting some of Justin's friends that recently got married. It was a fun night relaxing in the hot tub and by the pool catching up! The next morning we headed to Charlotte to visit one of my good friends from college who also happens to be my little. She just got engaged and officially asked me to be a bridesmaid in the wedding! I'm so happy and excited to celebrate this chapter of her life! I have to admit I teared up when she "officially" asked me to be part of the wedding. While in Charlotte we also had a chance to check out Mike and Sarah's new house they are building. So much going on for those two! 

I was sad for this very busy but fun weekend to end on Sunday! The next day I headed home to visit my parents. One reason I didn't blog any last week is because I had a little bit of a surprise pop up. I went in for a normal dentist appointment on Wednesday. I was there to have my teeth cleaned and thats it. Well 30 minutes in the office and my dentist decided that not only did I need to have my wisdom teeth taken out but he could do it RIGHT THEN. Definitely not something I was expecting! I knew when school started back I would be crazy busy so I agreed. I have been putting it off for quite some time anyway. I spent the first few days resembling a blow fish but thankfully the swelling has gone down. If only I can get back to eating normal food I will be golden! 

1 comment:

Sweet Thoughts(: