
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Downtime Fun

This is day #2 my school has had a 2 hour delay. No complaints of the extra sleep for me! It has been AMAZING to stay up a little later, sleep a little longer, and drink my coffee a little slower. It's the simple things right? With these crazy cold temps we are all experiencing lately nothing soothes the soul more than a little cozy R&R. For the past few weeks I have been enjoying any spare time I find to simply do nothing but relax (and stay warm!) These are some of my favorite things in my down time.


Y'all.... I have a problem. I have been getting caught up in way too many shows! The problem is once you watch one episode then you have to finish all 4 seasons. Let's not joke though. I love it! Currently I have been obsessing over Scandal, Prison Break and food/health documentaries (VERY eye opening). What are your favorite shows to watch?

The best socks EVER
I can't wait to change into these socks when I get home from work. Not only are they adorable they are seriously the softest socks in the world (but not fuzzy.. there's a difference!) Ironically the brand is actually called "Worlds' Softest". No cold toes for me! [please don't judge my odd looking legs from this angle. I wanted you to see how fun they are though!]

Hot Chocolate 
I love a hot drink when it's cold outside but sometimes coffee and hot tea just can't hit the spot. That's when hot chocolate is perfect. yum! 

Pinteresting (did I just make that a verb?) 
I've been busy busy busy pinning and trying lots of new and healthy recipes. I really want a place to store my favorites so the next DIY project I'm planning on is a cookbook that I can continuously add to. I can't decide on the best way to go about completing it though. I want to make sure it's sturdy and last. Any suggestions?

I wont deny that I've had my fair share of lazy days lately. How do you like to spend cozy nights at home?


  1. totally checking into those socks! they look super cute and super comfy!

  2. Oh my gosh, Netflix has been my biggest weakness since Christmas week! I decided to get caught up on Grey's Anatomy and it is now keeping me up way past my bedtime every night. I love it though and consider it my favorite cold weather activity!

  3. Love those socks! And I have a Netflix obsession, too. We just finished Friday Night Lights and now my husband and I have started on Breaking Bad - so good so far! I had no idea Scandal was on Netflix so now I'm going to have to check that out!

  4. This post made me want to coze up on the Scandal, in warm socks, while drinking hot cocoa, and pinteresting! Power of suggestion!

  5. I love hot chocolate too! My favorite is Lake Champlain Old World Drinking Chocolate from Whole Foods.

  6. My Netflix addiction is getting real. I this it just had to do with wintertime hibernation. Haha.


  7. I repurposed an old grad school project into a cookbook by using a large 3-ring binder and plastic protector sheets, then making a pretty makes it really easy to re-order the pages when you want to add new recipes into different sections.Looking forward to seeing how your DIY cookbook turns out!


Sweet Thoughts(: