
Friday, January 31, 2014

Five on Friday

Happy Friday Friends! I'm linking up today with 4 of my favorite blogs for their weekly 5 on Friday link up! Thanks for hosting AprilChristinaDarci and Natasha

I'm in love with my new celebrate plate! The football at the top comes off and can be replaced with another charm for different holidays. I can keep the plate displayed year round changing it for each holiday. Swoon! The football is for Superbowl Sunday! 
I have been off work/snowed in the house since Tuesday. That's basically a whole week off work. It sounds nice but seriously, no. I have been going stir crazy stuck in this house! Today marks the first day in 72 hours I have left my house. I have been the happiest girl in the world to finally get some sunshine and fresh air!! My days have been filled with a whole lot of laziness but I'm so happy the snow is melting and I can be just a little LESS lazy. 

palette on the floor anyone?

This was when the ground was mostly just ice... the 6 inches of snow didn't come until after this picture

The extra time off work gave me the perfect opportunity to read a book I've had sitting on my dresser for months. Has anyone else read it? It was an amazing book!

I have been loving drinking lemon water recently! I have been putting a few slices of lemon in my Nalgene water bottle that I keep with me all the time. The lemon continues to flavor my water all day. I mostly do it for the taste but these health benefits aren't too bad either! 

I get to celebrate a good friends 24th birthday tonight! Whoop Whoop! Friends since we were little babies in dance all the way through college and then into the working world. Happy birthday Carroll, love you! 

check out those bangs.. 

our sophomore year of college, once again, we were babies! 


  1. I love lemon water!! I take a big water bottle to school with me and in the mornings I can only drink it with the lemon! I'm so glad the snow is melting too- I was cooped up for way too long! :)

  2. Have fun celebrating! I've been meaning to read that book!


  3. I love the celebration plate too! How fun that you're able to use it for a wide variety of occasions!

    And just letting you know, I'm stopping by from Five on Friday!

  4. Hello from the link up :) LOVE the celebrate! How fun that you can use it for different occasions :) Wishing you oodles of reasons to celebrate this year! :*)

  5. That plate is so cute! Where did you get it from?

  6. I went so stir crazy during our snow days too! I remember the first day I ventured out, it was literally just to the library and post office and I was SO excited, ha!

  7. hi from the link up! That plate is too cute!! hope you have a great week!


Sweet Thoughts(: