
Monday, January 20, 2014

Weekend Recap

I don't know what it is about that one extra day on a long weekend that makes the biggest difference. I feel SO much more rested on a 3 day weekend versus typical Friday- Sunday. J came to visit this weekend and we did what we do best- eat, watch movies, be lazy and eat more. Here are some of the highlights from our weekend. 

Homemade pizza. Our new thing is one side veggie for me and one side normal for him. It's all about compromises right? (:

random sushi date. yum!! Sushi can be expensive but we have a local place that has buy one get one rolls on M-F. J is never here on week days because of work so this MLK holiday served as the perfect opportunity. 

I teach therefore, I drink. Enough said

We also went to see the movie Ride Along which was absolutely hilarious. I've always thought Kevin Hart was so funny and he did not disappoint in this movie!  

I broke out my kitchen skills one night- spaghetti squash with basil, asparagus, and black eyed peas with mushrooms and onions. 

Notice how half our pictures are of food? I'll just throw it out there that long strolls around The Fresh Market, brownies and Moes happened in that mix too. (; I hope you had a nice long weekend also! 


  1. We are making a pizza this weekend!! I always love seeing your food pictures!

  2. That sushi sounds so good. It's kind of hard to find a good cheap place, but once you do, you're loyal forever! Haha.



Sweet Thoughts(: