
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Beach Bag Essentials

The weather is warming up and it's time to hit the beach! I know that when I get to the beach I like to be prepared. Once I sit in my chair and sigh my first "aah", I know that I don't plan on moving anytime soon. No one likes to have to leave just because they are sun burnt or lacking something they need! Here is what you will currently find in my beach bag. 

1. Beach towel- everyone needs the perfect beach towel. Preferably one that is soft, extra large and a fun print. I just got a new one from target that I am in love with! 

2. Sunscreen- For me there isn't a one size fits all when it comes to SPF. I have a very odd routine when lathering up. SPF 30 always goes on my face, chest and shoulders. The rest of my arms and stomach gets SPF 15 and then my legs go for the tanning oil. Does anyone else your multiple SPF's? I have 30, 15, 6 and oil in my bag at all times!  

3. Book- this is an important one! You need a good book to get captured in. 

4. Chap stick with SPF- there is nothing worse than sun burnt lips. 

5. Drink spike- beach and drinks just go together. Now you can sip your beverage of choice without worrying about sand touching it! 

6. Baseball cap- I know when I am spending a full day on the beach, my face eventually need a break from the sun and a baseball cap provides the perfect shelter. 

7. Sunglasses- I prefer to keep a cheaper pair of sunglasses in my beach bag. This way I don't have to worry if they get scratched by the sand, fogged from the salt water or lost in the ocean. I save my nicer sunglasses for normal day to day wear. 

8. Leave in conditioner- The beach can leave your hair very dry and tangled. Having a leave in conditioner on hand makes my hair so much more manageable.

What's in your beach bag?

1 comment:

  1. I never though about bringing Leav In conditioner to the beach, what a great idea!

    Karen A


Sweet Thoughts(: