
Thursday, June 5, 2014

House Hunting

Justin and I spent some time looking for a place to live last weekend. It really got me thinking about what I would really like to have in a house and what is an absolute requirement. We have an appointment set up with a realtor this Saturday to look at a few more townhouses. We aren't quite ready to buy an actual house but I still want the house feel so we decided a townhouse style would fit us best at this point in our lives. Trust me, when it comes to buying our first real house my list of requirements will be muchhhh longer. Thank you pinterest, making every girls housing dreams come straight out of Southern Living. 

Let's start out with the wants, I really really want hardwood floors. For so many reasons! First because they are just so pretty to me. They can really change the overall appearance of a home. Next, because I have extremely severe allergies and carpet does not help this at all! Also, because they are much easier to clean. Obviously this is something I can live without in this first home but it would be a huge plus. Now when it comes to our next real house.. there will be no room to negotiate, it will be a must! 

I also really really want a porch of some sort. Front porch, back porch, screened in porch I don't care. Just give me a place to put a rocking chair and a grill and I will be happy. I value mornings and evenings sitting outside so much. I really don't want to give that up! Luckily, every townhouse we will be looking at this weekend DOES have a screened in porch off the back. 

oh, and I'll take the dog as well.. 

Okay, what I just have to have, no room for negotiation. Plenty of space for visitors. Moving farther away from friends and family is hard so I want to make sure when they come visit (hopefully ALL the time.. I mean we are at the beach!) there is plenty of space for them. 

Updated appliances. Once again this just adds to the overall appearance of a kitchen. I know I probably will not be getting my dream counter tops and cabinets at this point so I'm settling with the appliances. 

Am I missing anything? Any tips from those that have gone though the house hunting process.. should I add anything else to my MUST have list?


  1. Definitely my must haves in a home... but you forget my #1... a huge closet! haha :P Good luck this weekend girl!

  2. I would say a backyard; and I am biased b/c we have a dog. We thoroughly enjoy our screened in back porch. I have added furniture and pillows and plants and it is a great escape in the summer without all the mosquitoes. CONGRATS on moving in together. That's exciting!! ;)

  3. I love all of your "must-haves!" Mine would definitely include a big porch!

  4. We have almost all these on our "must have" list, too! Especially a porch and we plan on getting a dog as soon as we move :) Our biggest requirement though is a great yard. We're SO over city living and can't wait to finally have some outdoor space!

  5. We are just starting the house hunting process and these are definitely on my must-have list for sure! A porch is definitely #1 on my list!

  6. House hunting can be quite a stressful task! Though you can make it easier for yourself it you list all the details you want in your future home, consider the location that would seem accessible to you, and assess the price that would fit to your estimated budget. That way, you immediately know what to look for when viewing another property. Anyway, I think it's great to have a huge yard space. You can do a lot with the extra space, from having a garden, or having a place to entertain guests on special occasions. Anyways, thanks for sharing!

    Devin Newton @ Indy Market Homes

  7. The thing that I must have in a home is a big kitchen. No a high-tech one but something similar to the one I grew up in. Homely, old fashioned but with all the electrical gadgets are hidden away in little niches. The kitchen has always been the heart of the home and a place where all the family gathers at least once a day.

    Elton Rousseau @ Hancock And Partners

  8. I love the fact that you listed your biggest wishes for when you finally get your first house. Don't forget about a nice roomy kitchen! I have found that nothing is more depressing in a house than a cramped kitchen. Maybe it is because I love cooking for the family so much but I have found this is a necessity.

    Margaret @ Boston North Shore Real Estate


Sweet Thoughts(: