
Monday, June 2, 2014

Monday Blessings

After this weekend I can't help but feel SO incredibly blessed! This is  my weekend recap post but I just had to title it Monday blessings because that's just what this weekend was- a blessing! 

On Friday I headed to the beach to see Justin. Since I am in the process of moving I went ahead and took a FULL car load of my things. We needed a place to store some of it and luckily his parents had some extra room that I could temporarily put everything. Since we were already there we decided to stay the night and visit. J's dad made possibly the best shrimp, zucchini and corn I have ever had. Seriously, it was amazing. 

Saturday morning we woke up to homemade blueberry pancakes. I may have gained 5 lbs. this weekend from all of the ridiculously good eating I did thanks to J's family! We then spent the first part of the day house hunting. We didn't find a winner but we did find a possibility. I'm telling myself to be patient- good things come to those who wait. (it's just so hard to wait when you're as excited as I am!) When we exhausted housing options for the day we visited one of J's clients who manages a local winery. We were able to do a quick tour and a wine tasting. In the gift shop I found a slate cheese board that you can write on with chalk. I just LOVED it and showed it to Justin in passing. He ended up getting it to surprise me for our anniversary! Just one of the reasons I love him. (: 

That evening we did a little shopping and J took me out to eat for our anniversary. Afterwards we headed back to his hometown for the night. The church he grew up at and his parents still attend just got a new preacher. It was his first Sunday preaching so we wanted to be there for that. 

After church we went to a home style country cooking buffet (remember the 5 lbs I told you I gained this weekend?!). We spent the rest of the day lounging by the pool at his parents. I'm now back in Greenville ready to kick start the last 9 days of school! This weekend was just what I needed. I'm starting the week relaxed and with a full heart. I hope your weekend was just as nice!  


  1. Sounds like the perfect weekend girl! Don't stress I just know that God has the perfect place waiting for you to call home! :P

  2. I just started reading Summer's the perfect beach/pool read!


Sweet Thoughts(: