
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Summer "go to" foods

Summer is the perfect time to start eating all the right things- fruits, vegetables, lean meats. Farmers markets and produce stands are everywhere and fruit likes strawberries are at their prime. For me it's always been fairly easy to choose healthy foods in the summer. With the oh so hot air and constant opportunities to put on a bikini eating light just seems natural. I will admit being out of school has been tough to get back into a routine with my meals. I make MUCH better food choices when I plan ahead and have somewhat of a routine to follow. I am finally finding my groove and am constantly resorting to my "go to" meals. These are meals that when in doubt I resort to because they are easy and always yummy! 

Buffalo Chicken Salad 
I try to eat grilled chicken often since it is a lean meat, but sometimes that gets old. Right when I was getting in a boring grilled chicken slump a friend of mine suggested adding buffalo sauce. Since then I have been hooked! Buffalo chicken salad and buffalo chicken lettuce wraps are my favorites. (I just use lettuce, celery, a little bit of chopped onion if I have it on hand, and shredded carrots. Mix that with ranch dressing and add your buffalo chicken on top. I sometimes put rice at the bottom of the salad too.)  

before I baked it 

Roasted Squash and Zucchini 
This is probably the best vegetable combination ever. Summer squash and zucchini just go together like Pb&j. I rarely eat one without the other. I actually am making my second batch for the week right now! Lightly coat your pan with olive oil, lay down your sliced vegetables, lightly spray another coat of oil on top, sprinkle salt, pepper and parmesan cheese. Bake 30-45 minutes and wah lah.. deliciousness! 

Sweet Potatoes and Grilled Chicken 
Self explanatory- add grilled chicken and half a sweet potato to your vegetables and you have a balanced lean meal! I eat this for lunch most days and just swap out the vegetables. 

Tomato sandwich 
This is the meal that screams summer the most to me. I good old tomato sandwich. Top it off with a peach and a landshark- heaven. Normally I just go with simple mayo, tomato and a little salt but I did add turkey to this particular one.

Strawberries and Banana Snacks 
I have been incorporating strawberries or bananas into pretty much all of my snacks. My favorites are vanilla greek yogurt with strawberry slices, vanilla protein shake with strawberry slices, strawberries dipped in peanut butter/chocolate and bananas with peanut butter. All healthy choices and so good! I could honestly eat just the strawberries by their self but everything else adds protein.  

What are some of your favorite summer "go to" meals? I need to branch out and try some new things! 


  1. Gosh that squash and zucchini dish looks so good!

  2. I can't get enough of zucchini in the summer! We love it on the grill!


Sweet Thoughts(: