
Friday, July 11, 2014

Life Lately

Happy Friday friends! Just saying the word Friday makes me feel about as cool as these giraffes. My week was pretty care free with a little too much time on Pinterest and Netflix and tons of time to cook, organize and relax. Can summer break last forever?! Here is a look at my week through pictures. 

self explanatory.. how could I resist?!

chalkboard fun 

This is why the Carolina's are known for their BBQ.. what's your style? I'm Eastern BBq- vinegar all the way! 

taco night, J's homemade crunch wrap supreme 

attempt at recreating Chick-Fil-A's Grilled Market Chicken Salad. The one on the left is before we added the chicken. We modified our a little bit using strawberries, blueberries, dried cranberries, walnuts and raspberry walnut vinaigrette dressing. 

..and yes, I know over half of these pictures are of food. What can I say? We love to eat! Have a great weekend friends! 


  1. All I took this weekend was pictures of food as well so I feel you girl! That salad looks delicious.

  2. Your ring is absolutely beautiful! That's exactly what I would want :)

    I actually just started up a blog and I must admit, your blog is one of the blogs that inspired me to finally make one. I love all of your posts!


Sweet Thoughts(: