
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Wedding Wednesday: Bridesmaids

I can't believe Wednesday has already rolled back around! Between starting a new summer nannying job and family events, the past week just flew by. I'm sad to say Justin's grandfather passed away this weekend so we spent a long weekend in his hometown. While the reason for our gathering was very sad it was also very nice to spend that time with his family. 

Edition 2 of Wedding Wednesday!
I am just loving sharing things on here as our wedding planning slowly progresses! 

As most of my bridesmaids are receiving their cards in the mail I can finally share how I asked these very special ladies to be my bridesmaid/maid of honor. I have NINE bridesmaids. So many I know! I honestly couldn't imagine this day without each and every one of them though! I sent each girl a card with a personal note written on the back and these earrings that say: "Will you help me tie the knot?" The card is personalized with each girls name, hair color and hair length. It was important to me that I put lots of thought and detail into how I ask my girls because all of them are so thoughtful and detail oriented themselves.

Meet the girls! 
My sister Ginny and best friend Ashley are going to be Co-Maid of Honor's. Caroline (on the right) is one of my bridesmaids. These girls are not even considered friends they are so much beyond that. They are family! 

Maghan, Kristi and Sarah are bridesmaids. They are friends from college and were all in ZTA with me. Maghan is actually my big and Sarah my little! Sarah is getting married in September.. I can't wait to celebrate her and Mike! 

Carroll is a bridesmaid also. She is probably one of my oldest friends! From kindergarten to college and beyond! 

Last but not least, Jessica is a bridesmaid also! We hit it off freshman year living in the dorms together and have been friends ever since. 

I am so thankful to have these girls in my life! 


  1. What a cute way to ask all of them! I love it! It will be so much fun to have so many wonderful friends and family there to share such a special time with you. I'm so sorry to hear about Justin's grandfather, I'll be thinking of you both.

  2. Love the way you asked them! I don't think I will be able to choose when I get married so I will probably have a huge bridal party!

  3. oh my word! I loooove this idea and the earrings! those are seriously precious! Where did you find them?!

  4. So exciting - those earrings are precious! Did I miss it - have you guys set a date yet??


Sweet Thoughts(: